I’ve been working with School Leaders and Governors for over 10 years and I have the best job in the world. It’s a privilege to help Governors and School Leaders do their jobs effectively. Working together means fantastic schools and better outcomes for our young people.
Interested in working with us as a Minute Clerk?
Working together means making best use of the skills, experience and resources we have within our local network. It’s simple, the more clients we have, the more efficient we can be. So everyone benefits from Working Together!
Your service has been second to none and the support has been exemplary. We have been very fortunate to have you, your knowledge and your support.
Everyone on Board is a campaign is to promote and encourage diversity on Governing Boards.
By joining a governing board, individuals from a broad variety of backgrounds, ages and experiences can bring different ways of thinking and give a voice to groups that may not otherwise be reflected. They can also act as role models to children and young people, giving them the confidence to achieve, raise and broaden their aspirations.
Individuals can bring unique insights to the governing board, overseeing and influencing decisions, which in turn helps them develop board-level skills and experience which can be taken back to the workplace.
Inspiring Governance connects skilled volunteers interested in serving as school governors and trustees with schools in England.
You may consider becoming a school governor because:
You will benefit from:
The Trust GS team has over 20 years experience in supporting Governance. The team comprises a Head of Service, Client Service Executives, Assistant Clerks and Clerks – supported by hands-on Directors. All of us play a role in helping governors and school leaders to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.
We provide advice and guidance on statutory responsibilities of Governing Boards. Our systems and IT platforms are designed to ensure appropriate procedure is adopted and implemented to aid effective Governance. We facilitate training and briefings, working with local professionals and experts to strengthen and support our network. Trust GS clients include maintained primary, secondary and special schools, single academies and multi-academy trusts. We are all working together for young people.
If you are interested in volunteering as a Governor contact a local school or register via www.inspiringgovernance.org
If you are interested in working with (or for) Trust GS please contact us via enquiries@trustgs.co.uk
If you haven't yet registered your interest then please fill out the form here or get in touch via our contact details (below).
Latest training details are available via GovernorHub and in The Clerks Post (our newsletter).
To book training sessions please email us at booking@trustgs.co.uk or call 0161 348 7188.
We now include GovernorHub as part of our service package.